Saturday 18 September 2010

Saturdays off

Today has been a much better day than it seemed it was going to. The move next-door was all over by ten o'clock! A minimum of vans and young men arrived and were extremely efficient. Thank goodness for no work on Saturday.
My son also arrived bringing my post from the house I gave them in Portscatho. I have been very lazy at changing my address on things but I must do better in future. As we are away next weekend Adrian came to find out what we needed to be done in our absence.
Crispin is going to Aunty Vals and our cat Tosh goes to a cattery because no one would volunteer to look after a semi feral animal. Two new young. female cats moved in today too...I hope our big bruiser doesn't give them hell!
Adrian asked to borrow our wheelbarrow in our absence so then got anxious that our new neighbors would think he was pinching the barrow whilst we were away. So we had to do introductions. First time he approaches in his van they may have some anxieties. White van man in Cornwall is a statement of contempt. The sun is out. The sermon typed up and printed so all is well. For the time being.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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