Saturday 5 February 2011

Cape town.

We have arrived safely at our hotel. Fountains. It's lovely in downtown Cape Town. We have had our lunch preceded by two glasses of wine which may have triggered some very ancient memories.
I was a student in the late fifties. Ok I am an old woman!
Then the burning issue of the day was apartheid. I read the books by Alan Paton and Trevor Huddleston I followed the wickedness of the Bantu Education Act with indignation and horror that one nation could try to keep enslaved another nation solely on the colour of their skins.
Youthful zeal took over and I waged a personal war against South African fruit which only cancelled after Mandela asked us to lift sanctions
Who could have expected a man of this stature to survive years on Robin Island?
But he did and here we are. A happy free people making their livings in tourism. That's all we've come across so far but I really am aware of just how lucky I am to be actually here on hallowed soil.
All we've seen so far is beautiful.
Us old people now need a sleep and then off we go. Explore!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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