Monday 26 March 2012

Wedding stories.

Having had a weekend of talking to wedding couples it has inevitably reminded me of several disasters and triumphs over the years. Shortly after I arrived, newly licensed in this parish, my training incumbents wife rang me one Saturday morning to tell me I had three weddings to do!
Having not met any of them before proved a problem for one of them if not for me. The groom was a Roman Catholic who had thought an Anglican wedding would be OK because the priest was a man....I clearly was not!
As the wedding was going to start in about half an hour I had to ask the young man if he really wanted to ring the bride and call it all off.
After a moments thought we proceeded....but since then, I make sure I know all the couples quite well before we get to any crucial decisions.
They were choosing the hymns this morning.. ...we listened to several on You Tube before making a decision and then I told them about an incident last year.
The hymn was "Dear Lord and Father of mankind". Half way through is the line "Interpreted by love.". The misprint read. "Interrupted by love."
The packed church dissolved into laughter, me included.
I will read the proof copy thoroughly from now on.
We seem to be almost into the wedding season here!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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