Thursday 5 April 2012

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday with its ritual re-anactment of the Lords Supper is always it leads us into the events of Easter, and we try very hard to be with Christ as He approaches His passion.....this is not always easy. Events in the real world intervene in a disturbing way at times....people ring with terrible problems, and we are forced to admit to ourselves that we in fact are mere humans who can't sort out the worlds problems or even those in the same town.
I have this morning heard a story of such malevolence that its hard to feel any sympathy or even love  and yet I must   try. Try to understand what leads people to desperate lengths...
As Judas betrayed Christ, as Peter denied Him,  Jesus  knew the extreme pain inflicted by those he loved.   Human beings are  weak and driven by events outside often beyond our control...
So I turn again to the words of the poem written by Bill Vanstone. "Loves Endeavour, Loves expense... "  .He knew better than most the price we sometimes pay for love....for the pain of separation and  he led a life of self sacrifice in looking after others close by on the council estate that was Kirkholt.  
As priests we try very hard to love those in our pastoral care....we have the cure of souls for all people, good,  bad or indifferent... and that imposes its own pressure upon us when something truly awful  happens...
Here is the fourth verse of that poem.

Drained is love in making full
Bound in setting others free
Poor in making many rich
Weak in giving power to be.

Amen to that Bill. Amen

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