Wednesday 18 April 2012

Nature, Red in tooth and claw

Yesterday the door blew off our summer house!  It was not an old structure and is made of cedar wood and fairly solid but the wood of the post and the door was wrenched apart by a massive much so that for a little while it looked as if a malevolent giant hand had intervened...
This morning we've moved the cushions...dry all winter but damp now into a safer place and arranged to have it fixed.
It is one of the prices we pay for living on the coast in what is the most beautiful place in the world. Our old farmhouse is on the highest ground for miles and we really catch the wind coming from every direction.
There are day when we have to bend double to get into the garden!
Despite the damage to the little wooden house though the trees are all intact. The one that came down last year is still tied in to the fence thank goodness. Blossom is scattered around but we've got used to that!
Falmouth which is visible from our windows is very quiet right now.....all the usual shipping is safely anchored and we are all quietly praying for the wind to abate...
The wind breaks I had established having been cut down in places I am really trying to look after all the new stuff. Inventing a hair net big enough to cover the fruit trees would be a good idea....
We've been out on the road to make sure our solar tiles are intact and they are thus far the only real casualty is Jemima Puddleduck a largish garden ornament  put for safety in the little house!
Sorry Jemima....your time had come.....

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