Sunday 27 May 2012

She has arrived!

This is the Sunday with two names! I  was startled as a girl to discover that Pentecost  was Whit Sunday!  Unitarians don't do the spirit so it was a new concept when I became an Anglican.
I loved the wonderful description of the comforter arriving with tongues of fire and peculiar speaking!
Now, one of my favourite phrases is that I go with the Spirit and she is a comfort to me!  Using "she" in this context is certain to get up some  noses but if we have assigned gender to God and His Son it seems only fair to assume that the spirit is feminine. Certainly many of the fruits of the spirit are female virtues.
Its the drama of the day that is so wonderful!  I cherish the spirits arrival with high winds and tongues of fire!  The scene enfolding of the crowds rushing about talking to everyone in their native language is worthy of a Hollywood director.
Here is a poem written by an American after a hurricane has hit his town.

In Jerusalem
high winds circled the house,
a roaring
caught all attention.
Light broke out,
tongues of flame
lit the disciples
and the world.

In Grand Haven
high winds blew off the Lake,
roared like a train
without warning of whistle.
Trees caught by tendrils of air
lifted and smashed
thrown like toys.
Trailers on the beach
spun and tumbled
like children's blocks.
Light died
as miles of wire
tangled and jumbled,
pulled down
and power cut
by knifing wind.
held in darkness
that lasted days.

I slept
expecting to awake
and celebrate
like Jerusalem.
By James Mitchell who lived in Grand Haven

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