Tuesday 13 November 2012

Work is love made visible.

Since losing my children and my dog I have continued to work. My work as a parish priest is the key stone of my life. In my old age I have finally fulfilled a call first heard in my youth.
I am not going to neglect it now. I may scale it down a little but there is great comfort in taking a service using the words spoken hundreds of time before.
On Sunday I did a said BCP communion before the service of Remembrance. Next week I will do a Common Worship communion.
I am still a lucky woman despite everything.
Khalil Gibran said it better than I ever could.
"Work is love made visible. "
"And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. "
I am a bit short on the joy right now but I work because what
I do takes precedence over my grief.
It is my love and therefor my work. This does not mean I'm not now cross with God because I am but still I work and one day it will be with joy again.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

UKViewer said...


If I were in your position, I suspect that I would be an emotional wreck, and unable to think straight, let alone write so lucidly about the situation.

I am comforted that you find energy to continue to minister to others, despite your own troubles. That for me is the Mark of God's love, indelibly marked at Baptism and now carried through by one, marked and set apart, to be the Cure of Souls.

May God's Holy Spirit be with you, to hold and comfort you and to bring his peace, which he left with us all.