Tuesday 6 August 2013

. Book read!

I have now finished reading the new novel by JK Rowling written under the pen name of Robert Galbraith. I enjoyed it enormously. The poem at the beginning by Christina Rossetti "The Cukoos calling" is now established in my psyche as one I shall always remember.
The plot was excellent but her real gift is in establishing wonderful, complex characters. I hope we may see the hero of this book again. There is room for another great detective!
JK ends as she starts with an epic poem. This one is by Tennyson. I've never been drawn by much of his work but this one hits the spot wonderfully. Ulysses is its name and it is about the restlessness that comes from suffering and loss.
It resonates with me . It reflects much of my feelings after losing both of my children.
This is a fragment used at the end of the book.
I cannot rest from travel
I will drink life to the full
All times I have enjoyed greatly,
Have suffered greatly, both with those
That loved me and alone
On shore and when through scudding drifts
The rainy Hyades vexed the dim sea.
I am become a name.

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