Saturday 31 May 2014

Driving for fun?

We have had a week of good weather here to coincide with half term. This has meant a lot of traffic on the roads as our visitors sweep in.

Yesterday I drove to the other side of Truro to see old friends , in order to charge the battery in the car! I chose to drive the long way round because the ferry involves turning off the engine! There was an enormous amount of traffic on the roads....I suppose it being the last day of the holiday everyone was out and about!

One day this week my car didn't start at all and I realised that so far the very short journeys to the village or the church were taking more out of the engine than was going in so I have a new policy in place now....taking the car out every day when I can! I have also ordered a new solar panel from the local garage.....if I can't get out here I am too far out in the country to be able to walk anywhere much!

This knowledge just increases the feeling of helplessness which I am getting used to....

So I must get out more!

Next week I am being taken to the beach on the north coast where I took my children every year...I have been promised a body board and a wet suit.....we shall days as a daft surf chick were over forty years ago...but revisiting old haunts is always a joy as well as a time for remembering....

I am hopeful that we shall go back to reasonably quiet roads again this week..the children start school on Monday. That only helps if you remember to avoid opening and closing times!

I now recall all those days of driving in and out of Truro to the hospital with a sort of grim horror! The days when I also got mixed up with the school traffic remain as a memory of nightmare proportions.

Driving through the leafy lanes was a joy when I drove the Discovery.

David's Merc is not quite so high...I can't see over the hedges in it but it gets me from A to B in comfort and some style....time for my Mr Toad impersonation.......peep peep!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Love the idea of the 'speeding granny Vicar' it'll be a motor bike next :)