Sunday 8 June 2014

Passwords et el.

My iPad went barmy yesterday.....for no reason that I could discover....

It was a pretty manic morning doing two services in a nearby village but I realised much later that several of the apps were not giving me any local information at all. News info from the BBC was stuck as was the wonderful BBC weather forecast app....

The final straw was when the mail simply refused to load....

As it was turning up on my iPhone I realised it was just the iPad that had the problem so I reset it!

It was remarkably easy. I just pressed ". Reset all settings"

Much later I realised that I had to put in all my passwords and numbers again!

At around midnight this was a task I really didn't need....

This morning it seems to be up and working again but it's a lesson learned....resetting everything means starting again from scratch! If you've forgotten the passwords for wifi, apple, google and twitter you are stuck!

This is one of the problems of using David's laptops etc. Fortunately he used various names of boats he had owned in life! I think I've more or less sorted out most of his things now...and handed over most of them to his children and grandchildren.

Writing down all the various passwords and numbers is frowned on I know but I am considering doing just that! Late last night tripping up and down the stairs to retrieve various codes is not something I want to do very often...but the sad truth is that if I did write them all down in a little book I would probably forget where I put it!



UKViewer said...

I store mine in the cloud, it's just so cloudy, I can never find them?

Babs said...

I write all mine in a little book and store it in the safe

Revjeanrolt said...

You have a safe? Wow!