Saturday 18 April 2015

Spring cleaning!

When my children were small I baked a lot. Cakes, pies, buns, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen especially during school holidays...

Once they left home my time baking finally decreased as me and the dog got fatter trying to consume the surplus!

The last time I made a cake was for my son's funeral. After that there was little point...but my baking cupboard still held all the ingredients and I saw little need to get rid of never know when you might need them!

Yesterday I needed to refill the small bowl which holds the sugar! The gardener likes his sweet cup of tea half way through his morning here!

I got the packet out. Opening it I saw little fluffy white things sticking to it.....only slightly puzzled I brushed them off into the sink. And then I noticed that they were wriggling! Tiny white maggots had not got into the bag but they were decorating it!

Yuk! Further exploration revealed that they had got everywhere....the entire cupboard ended up in a black dustbin liner . Flour, various sorts of sugar, suet, everything needed for baking cakes , dumplings , pies and puddings they were all decorated by the tiny maggots. Once cleared out the wooden cupboard was then scrubbed very thoroughly....driven by total disgust!

I will replace the sugar....but probably nothing else....I don't eat much and there's no one else to bake for!

I am assuming the maggots would have turned into small flies...but I'm not sure...

It has been another part of the learning curve....a single woman's cupboards are very different from a busy mothers . You just have to remember to clear them out from time to time!

1 comment:

Babs said...

Goodness Jean , thanks for the warning. I still bake cakes. But I freeze the cakes now. Will keep a close eye on my food cupboard. I did clear out the out of date tinned food and of course the freezer, but never gave a thought to my bakiing shelf x