Thursday 21 May 2015

Chatting on line.

This weekend is probably the busiest of the year. People with boats or homes arrive to set up their property and enjoy the beauty around them.

From my house I look out on a green meadow that curves down to the waters edge. This morning I see the boats have started to arrive. A large working boat has been in place for two days and this morning is joined by smaller boats.

A few years ago I was startled to find that a man I had been playing backgammon with on Fibs( first internet backgammon site) told me on line that he was in my area.

I had given no details during the game play so I was sceptical about this.

He told me that he thought he could see my house.

I worried a little but didn't really believe it.

At dusk he asked me to turn my lights on and off to check and yes he could see me!

At that time I wasn't worried by this . In fact I was amused at the idea that a man I played regularly could so easily track me down...I even toyed with the idea of meeting him at the pub as he suggested...accompanied by my husband of course.

It is a mark of how much the world has changed that what was then an amusing coincidence would now horrify me!

I have a busy few days coming up but I won't be rushing off to meet anyone I don't know...

I hope all our visitors will have a happy long weekend here but I will mostly be keeping my head down...apart from waving at the boats down below.

I will still have a few games during the weekend but I no longer chat as I play, in fact I've become mono syllabic , keeping my responses to "hello" and "thanks"

I regret the change evident around me. I will welcome our visitors in church on Sunday and greet old friends with great pleasure. But I will not be turning my lights on and off or talking to people I've met on line during a backgammon game...

I am now a much more cautious old woman!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I believe that you're quite right to be protective towards your personal safety and space. If David were still around, it might have been a different story, but living alone makes you vulnerable - and while there is no evidence of ill intentions- better safe than sorry.