Sunday 25 October 2015

Back at sea

Yesterday there was a moment of deja vu! I went to the assembly point to go out on tour in Cadiz. A strong Lancashire voice offered me a seat. I did a double it wasn't the lad from Blackpool I went on several excursions with on the last cruise.. We started chatting and he told that he was from Lythm. Close enough!

We went our different ways after he'd told me how appalling Blackpool had become these days.....

On the coach out I sat next to another man who talked about his life in a retirement village with his wife who was sitting at the front of the bus! We all had a drink and tapas together at the seaside resort we visited!

Back on board I met several more people to talk to....this is a very chatty ship!

My various electronic toys are proving a bit of a challenge. The Apple Watch welcomed us to Morocco last night at dinner! We were sailing past at the time!

Keeping track of the time is a challenge....just to make sure I check it on the TV . The watch is keeping the correct time whereas the iPad isn't! but I failed to get a connection at all yesterday.

Life does not need to be so complicated. This is something I am doing to myself!

It being Sunday I will be going to the interdenominational service this morning....they usually are excellent!

Algeria is the country we are currently sailing past! No stops today!


1 comment:

UKViewer said...

A day at sea seems quite restful and gives you the chance to chat and to socialise. Pleasing yourself must be bitter sweet for you, but somehow seems to me to be quite right for you.

Prayers as you continue on your adventure.