Monday 28 December 2015

Lapsed time!

Time has finally caught up with me! I woke up at almost nine o'clock with the realisation that I'd missed the bus!

I clearly needed to sleep...the last couple of days have been very energetic...

I have however missed the trip to Grand Canary previously planned. I could still get off under my own steam but somehow my spirit of adventure has lapsed....I shall go and look for sustainence later much later than usual and then regroup...

The circle of people I know on this boat widens daily...friends friends arrive to join in the festivities. at various points in the day and we are a merry gang of totally different people than the one we started I walk around the decks friendly greetings follow me..hugs and kisses often accompany the salutations...I am very glad I came!

When opening my curtains this morning I find we are surrounded by boats! All various shipping lines, shapes and sizes, are here getting ready for the forthcoming New Year celebrations..

The arrangements for that day were posted to us yesterday. They contain a very complicated set of proposals for watching fireworks on the big night!

I will have to read them more than once to really understand them......

Time is as usual playing daft tricks on me and a quiet day today looks a good option before I greet a brand new year later this week!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Naughty. Late up on holiday, who knew?

Enjoying following this trail. :)