Saturday 28 May 2016


The cruise routine developed over several years is now in full swing.
The big suitcase is packed and already downstairs, ready to go in theory!
The fact that I can now not remember what's in it is also normal.
I console myself at this point that if I have forgotten anything at all there are plenty of shops where I'm going, both on and off the ship!
My much smaller case is still upstairs waiting for all the last minute items that seem to take up far too much space......
This year I am starting a new thing.
My friend Michael lives in Devon. His journey to Southampton is much shorter than mine so we have worked out a plan.
I am travelling to his house first and then we'll go on from there the next day so my journey will not be a very long one but two much shorter ones.
This is the idea of my taxi driver, also called Michael!
He and I have become friends over the years during the long drives and this year I will be conducting his wedding blessing as he ties the knot with his girl friend!
Arriving in Devon the day prior to the cruise means I have also got to have an overnight bag! My packing arrangements are only a little more complicated than usual and it means we will arrive at the cruise terminal together so the first hour on board will be a little less fraught as we have in the past spent time searching for each other....
Our cabins are next to each other so we can both unpack in peace. His will take about quarter of an hour. Mine .....much longer!
But for now there are still two days to go....two days as I reconsider my suitcases and try to remember what's in them!
I am bound to take too much but that's just be it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I suppose that packing for a cruise is different from a flight, where excess baggage earns a financial penalty - if that was us, we travel with one case between us and buy clothes etc while abroad - travel out with one, invariably, returning with two. But it works well and is an excuse to renew our wardrobes :)