Saturday 20 August 2016

Cunard cough!

After a day in the sun, yesterday sailing the briney in a three masted ancient schooner I came home with a very sore throat!
After nursing it I decided to go to find some throat sweets...
The girl in the shop said happily, "Don't worry, we've all got it! It's the air conditioning!
This was only a tiny consolation..
I struggled all the way through supper and then decided on drastic I went to the bar!
Two scotches later I felt a bit better...three later and all was well with my world...
This is obviously not recommended but it did seem to work.
I have had a bad night waking up fairly frequently to sneeze, cough and hawk!
I'm not good this morning but it is Sunday and there is no landfall. A sea day is clearly indicated , doing as little as possible...
I think I can manage this!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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