Friday 27 January 2017

Back in time.

Two apps take me back several years every morning. Facebook introduces me to old memories whilst Timehop captures both text and photographs from old blogs .
This was the time of the year when David and I travelled...
We enjoyed our cruising and found huge joy in getting away from winter here by escaping on various world cruises.
This week I am reading posts from Honolulu, South America, Dubai, Singapore etc.
The posts are often accompanied by photographs of the places and of ourselves.
The pictures of us both together are just wonderful , when kind people offered to capture precious memories that I will always treasure.
Yesterday for instance included pictures and posts from traversing the Panama Canal going north before setting off on the Pacific Ocean to reach New Zealand and Australia.
The longest trip lasted two months.
We both agreed that that was too long...we were very glad to be back.
But I now realise from other posts that the tumour which finally killed my husband had already started.
Getting lost, being confused play a telling part in some of my blog posts.
Going back in time is mostly wonderful.
We were so lucky to be able to travel far and wide together...and see parts of the world that up to then were just names in an Atlas.
I treasure these memories daily...thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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