Sunday 5 November 2017

Music on the squawk box!

We are now into the third day of music. I missed the morning session yesterday but was there for the evening event. And it was an event.
The renovated Methodist chapel was full. It really was standing room only...a Saturday night event.
The music started led by an Argentinian man in a black satin shirt playing a bandoleno or a squawk box as we used to know it.
Playing alone to begin he was gradually joined by other members of the group.
A man on a double base moved with vigour....and the beat quickened as the sound roared out.
Eventually all the other members of the group joined in. The string quintet, the clarinetist, and the pianist all contributed.
It was very modern, very noisy and glorious.
They took me with them on their journey through the evening. I watched their faces as they checked with each other as they played...smiles and exuberant crashes led into a tumult of music that I had never heard before...
It divided the congregation totally.
Some hated it. My friend of forty odd years loathed it! People from church loved it.
The musicians were very rough with their instruments at times, especially the double base which was struck both with the bow and flat of hand .
They took me with it.
My friends mostly hated it. Not even the glass of wine during the interval calmed them down. Quietly spoken, gentle people were outraged whilst I was finding fellow loud music enthusiasts in unexpected places.
What ever else it was, last night was an event I will never forget and that I'm glad to have heard and shared with a few friends.
This afternoon is the last one. Our party is going out to lunch again and then on to the final concert with some trepidation .
I just hope the instruments last out!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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