Wednesday 13 December 2017

Big Bang!

I got struck by lightening last night. Not me...the house.
It was raining but there was no sign of anything worse when a great bang accompanied by a brilliant light shook us.
It was very dramatic and I waited for other light flashes and sounds...
There were none. It was just one bang.
I went all though the house suspecting consequences....
I waited for any more lightening flashes in the area. There were none. So off I went to check things.
The electricity was on. I toured the entire house. There seems nothing amiss but it was a huge bang.
Later I discovered that it had knocked my solar panel meter out. The red light that appears during the night had gone.
As soon as it gets light I will go out to look at my house from across the road.
It was a very dramatic Big Bang...
Last night it was too dark to check my car but I can dimly see it this morning.
It looks all right.
I am hoping that all is well outside. But it was a very Big Bang.
After posting that I realised that I had enough light so off I went to stand in the big puddle on the other side of the road.   The roof and tiles look fine! This ancient Farmhouse seems to have survived!
Thank you God....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Nancy Wallace said...

That must have felt really frightening. Hope you don't find any further damage.

Revjeanrolt said...

Thank you Nancy.....all seems well out was a bit scary......

Ray Barnes said...

What is it about you Jean that attracts the downright bizarre?
You really need to write your life story.
Science fiction could learn a thing or two from your diary😀

Revjeanrolt said...

Love it.....what a good idea...

UKViewer said...

Has the solar panel resumed working or is it a fuse that has blown, not surprising given the strike you had.

Worth getting an electrician in to check things out?

Revjeanrolt said...

It's a very temperamental meter , it's not unusual. My gardener can switch it back on later.. hopefully...