Tuesday 22 January 2019

Civil unrest?

So many problems with so few solutions that work are cluttering up the news in this country.
Brexit is reeking havoc in a most unexpected way.
Mrs May looks set to try her solution again...in the hope that as we get closer to D day people will compromise in order to get things moving.
We are in the end game now...and the way it’s being treated by our government is causing many of us to suspect that no agreement can now be reached that will satisfy most people.
I do feel sorry for Mrs May.
But much of this mess is of her own making. You can’t please everyone in this situation.
If she hadn’t called the last election she could have forced through any deal she liked.
What on earth the rest of Europe is making of this countries dilemma is not clear right now.
I suspect it’s better that we don’t know but it’s becoming clear that another election may be necessary .
No one would like this because there is a real danger that it wouldn’t be decisive either. Half the country wants to leave Europe whilst the other half wants to stay as we are.
The half that wants us to leave would resent any result that ends in us maintaining the present status quo.
If there is a way through this dilemma it’s not clear.
Mrs May keeps referring to the vote to leave last year as though it’s Holy Grail.
It’s clearly her main motivator. It’s how she became PM. Her determination to see it all through has become the motivation for all her subsequent actions.
Brexit , far from freeing this country from its bonds with Europe is fast becoming almost a dirty word!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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