Saturday 18 May 2019

Morning angst!

I am now in the nervous period of waiting....absolutely certain that I’ve forgotten something important. I have not slept much and my taxi man isn’t due for another is half past six right now. Arghhhh!
Small details pop into my head and need attention...
The main thought in my head is that this is self inflicted pain...I don’t have to do all this so should I make this the last time...which is ridiculous because I know I’ll enjoy the cruise once I am safely installed in my state room!
The really annoying thing about this is the whole process goes into reverse in two weeks maybe a longer cruise should be contemplated in future!
My suitcases are sitting in the hall waiting...everything is organised and poor overworked brain still insists on going through silly details..
It got light some time ago...and one or two vehicles have gone past the house already..this is a part of the day I’m not familiar with.
The fact that it’s Sunday is also unusual. A day when I would normally be in church...but there’s no chance of that today although the odd prayer will be offered at various stages...
The roads will be quiet though...the biggest danger will be getting there much too early...
I am rambling now...but it is a relief to be able to write all this down...better than an imaginary friend to confide in.
So I drink my coffee, put out my dustbin to be collected very early on Monday and check through all my bits and pieces again...
And then off we go......fingers crossed...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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