Monday 31 August 2009


Before I came into the church I enjoyed writing and had some success with it. Sermon writing is a creative expression and I have always enjoyed it but as a non part of the Roseland Cluster now I am probably going to do less of it so my mind as always has been turning back to writing. Writing drama is something you don't do alone. If it ever gets to the stage where its going to be acted then the dramatist has to be around to sort out small hitches of the "My character would not say this" variety. Living near London meant that I could be involved and was. Living in Cornwall puts me too far away so not drama then. A novel? Possibly. Poetry certainly. Of course there is the blog but there's so much materiel I can't use in here. I always wrote under a pseudonym anyway so watch this space. I am about to go into creative over drive.

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