Thursday 11 March 2010


It really does look like Spring today at last! All the bulbs we put in last year are out in great profusion and although there was a frost last night yet again, now the sun is out it is quite warm.
I have a funeral this afternoon, a burial of someone who used to be a neighbour. She talked to Crispin every time we walked past so I did know her before she got sick. She and her husband used to caretake for one of the huge old houses right on the water's edge. They had the lodge belonging to the house and although neither she nor her husband have been able to work for some years they have been allowed to stay in their home for ever rent free. The man granting them this is coming to the funeral to do the eulogy and I have been heartened by his gentleness and generosity to these two. In a world of money grubbing and economic gloom its wonderful to find this nugget of goodness.

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