Sunday 3 October 2010

Grumpy old woman!

Most of the time I go through life barely ever getting cross. When someone asked me at my selection meeting what made me angry there were two things I could state accurately. One was racism, the other bullying.
I am not claiming to be Pollyanna but I do drift through life with a smile on my face most of the time.
Today is different. We had a wonderful drive out to a lovely place where we had a really good lunch.
Back at our hotel we went down to the pool for a swim and a sit in the sun. A cat nap was not out of the question.
Within a minute of my getting into the pool there was a very big noise...a man with a microphone in his hands was exhorting the children to play a game. This seemed to be laid on by the hotel. They played the game which was shooting at iron birds. About ten children had joined in and were very happy with it all.
Afterwards though the organizer of the game just couldn't stop...he worked the children up first into a frenzy and then into hysteria by shooting at them and getting them to jump into the pool. After ten minutes of this the noise was amazing....why do girls screaming always hit on the exact note that makes your teeth stand on edge.
This continued for about an hour, no other children could use the pool and any grown ups were dive bombed in the water and this included the very elderly in deed who came out spluttering in indignation.
We left. Half an hour later it was still going on. Where were the parents? Two hysterical little girls can not be good news for any one, least of all the child.
It all boils down to good manners in the end and being aware that your actions impinge upon others.
Or maybe I have grown into a very grumpy old woman!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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