Saturday 29 January 2011

Strange feeling

We are now on the homeward stretch of our journey and it feels weird. The North Atlantic crossing was fine. Been done before. But this one is not so well documented. We turned a sharp corner to leave the shores of South America behind and are now in a breezy, lively sea which will take us all the way to South Africa.
This means being at sea for a number of days which is fine. This boat is a hive of activities and there's no possibility of getting bored. Even if I resist the allures of line dancing there's plenty left to do here.
The sea is rougher than it was when we were coast hugging. Enough to remind us that we are at sea.
Soon we will approach the island of Tristrun de Cuna. this is the most remote island in the world and although we are not landing we will go close enough to look at it.
After that there's nothing much till Cape Town.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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