Thursday 14 April 2011

Wedding music?

It is the same every year so I should not be surprised but everyone both in the family and from the parish always arrive either in HolyWeek or just before it. Brides are panicking. Mothers of brides are getting heavy with everyone. The most sweet natured of flower arrangers is snapping. by this time I should have learned how to deflect them but I hav'nt .
The phone rings at ten o'clock at night with a puzzled voice that says
"I forgot to ask you earlier but would it be OK if.... " It's usually fine but I am not at my best at that time and there is nothing that can't wait till morning.
So then I cheer myself up with horror stories from years gone by. This is one of my favorites.
The groom was in the navy. The bride was a teacher. The wedding was during the long summer holidays. They arrived together for the rehearsal and were very nervous. No need, I thought I already knew what the problem might be.
The groom had been given the job during his hours at sea of picking the music. They had no organist, it was all played through the sound system. All went well, they had relaxed and were smiling as we got to the last bit.
"Are you ready for this Jean?" The groom looked very pleased with himself. The bride then looked worried. All we had to do was play the going out music so that the bride could sweep majestically up the aisle on her husband's arm.
The music started. It was "Caught in a trap." Sung by Elvis.
I was startled but the bride laughed thank goodness. All went well then with the wedding the next day. The baby arrived four months later. Bless.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

John Campbell Rees said...

My initial thought after reading that story was "but are they still married?". Such a horribly inappropriate choice of music does not auger well for the future. Marriages, even where there are children are so fragile these days.

I always thought that when I got married, my Bride would walk up the aisle with the theme from "Blakes' 7" played on the church organ. And that we would walk down the aisle with the theme from "Star Trek: the Next Generation" played on that instrument. This goes a long way to explaining why I'm still single.