Friday 23 September 2011

Expensive tastes

My husband is a wine drinker. He has expensive taste in wine. Once at a lunch I was hosting I invited him to chose the wine and was astonished at what the whole lunch had cost me.....he'd chosen wine at about £35 per bottle. I've been very careful ever since!
He worked for a family firm for the whole of his life and every Christmas they sent him a crate of wine and it was aways the good stuff. He has improved my palate no end in the years since we married. I can now distinguish a rough red from a smooth one, a flowery white from acid!
Whilst we were eating out recently, he browsed through the wine list at our table...he found one of interest. "Is this wine really this price? " he asked with arched eyebrows...
"It is indeed sir" was the reply.
He looked very thought full...
On the way home he told me that the bottle he'd been looking at was almost the same as a crate of them  he'd had a few years ago.  It was around a thousand pounds.   For one bottle?  Yes.
He became even more thoughtful.
He had at least two of the bottles left.
"Wow" I said," Pay for the next holiday!"
Since then research has revealed that somewhere in the house there are two bottles worth an arm and a leg!
More than the original estimate but quite a long way. The problem is that he hasn't got a clue where they are!
I can no longer pluck a bottle at random from one of his hiding places......I might be drinking the next cruise!

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