Friday 9 December 2011

A sheep dog for Christmas.

I am in school this afternoon making the Christingles with the children.   As we get closer to Christmas I often read them a poem or two and they like them nearly as much as the grown ups do!
The poems by U A Fanthorpe are a rich source for me......all read with the authentic Lancashire accent of course...

The Sheepdog .   
After the first bright light
And the talking bird
And the singing
And the sky filled up wi wings
And then the silence
Our lads sez
We’d better go then
Stay Shep, Good dog, stay
So I stayed wi t sheep
After they cum back
It sounded grand, what they’d see
Camels, kings and such
Wi presents....human sort
Not the kind you eat
And a baby. Presents were for him.
Our lads took him a lamb
I had to stay behind wi sheep
Pity they didn’t tek me along too
I’m good wi sheep
And the baby might have liked a dog
After all that myrr and such.

I hope you all like this one about the sheepdog.  It has a wonderful ring of truth about it!  

1 comment:

Kathryn de Belle said...

Your blogs are a daily treat. I always search them out when I come home.