Sunday 13 May 2012

Empty pubs.

Last night we were invited out by one of David's old rowing chums. They were only here briefly so I put aside all protestations about going out on a Saturday night and we booked a table.
We'd left it late. On Thursday I thought about it so on Friday I nagged about it saying "You had better get a move's Saturday night!"
In the past everywhere was full on that night!
The table booked, we turned up to find a completely empty pub. It's out in the lanes but has a wonderful garden and legendary food.
It was still a bit early but only two other tables were used during the evening and only two people graced the bar for about half an hour!
It was like being in a ghost pub!
I talked briefly afterwards to the had dwindled over the winter months and is not picking up.
This story repeated over Cornwall is serious.
Repeated over the whole country it's catastrophic .
Obviously the pinch is being felt everywhere but now we are in a situation where thriving businesses are going fail....Deep. Deep recession....
For all those people who are anxious about their businesses failing I worry, for all those who can't afford to have a pint on a Saturday night I worry. There are worse things I know but as one more sign of a failing economy it is deeply distressing and no one should be complacent in these times...what affects one of us affects us all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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