Tuesday 12 June 2012

A quiet Tuesday wedding

Today we have a quiet peaceful wedding.  My husband is giving the bride away and the verger is being the best man!
This is what they want for all sorts of good reasons and since it is much like my own wedding I am more than happy to conduct the service.
When David and  I married I was the curate of four churches and he was the church warden of one of them. . We knew we would have far too many people there if it was advertised so we went off and got a registrars certificate  to avoid having the banns.
The priest in charge here was on long term sick leave so I asked my friend who was the vicar of a parish on the north coast  to come and marry us....
The only people coming to the wedding were the church wardens.
I was given away by the ancient retired priest of the parish and the verger rang the bells as we walked down from the lynch gate.
One of the church wardens was married to the organist so he arrived to play the wedding march to get me up the aisle.  It was wonderful....very quiet but full of joy.
Afterwards we went to a local hotel standing out on the terrace to drink pink champagne in bright warm sunshine ...in November!
That evening we had a PCC meeting where we drank more champagne ! Someone said
"Well thats the way we can keep a priest here. We have to marry them!"
Nothing wrong with a quiet wedding, particularly in the beautiful St Just .
I hope to do justice to the occasion this morning!

1 comment:

Babs said...

Knowing you Jean it will be beautiful. I envy them. When we got married way back in the middle ages. It was for other people. But then we were very young and still doing as we were told.