Saturday 9 June 2012

Rant +

Small rant before finishing the sermon!  I have a lot going on this week.......three weddings, two funerals and everything else as well......the only way I can do it all and come through smiling is to husband my between things, phone allowing and try not to get involved in anything else time consuming.
So of course this is the moment, when I am poised to start the ball rolling with the first wedding that I am asked if I might just pop here, do that there, talk to someone,  the list is endless.....
I am an old feeble human body is well past the point of no return... Just one extra thing even a small one can tip me from laughing to crying right now.
The inclination to pull the plug on the phone is overwhelming ....but I can't...I do know that.
So I got up this morning full of angst....after an email that asked the impossible of me yet again.
I am minded of a line in a play.....
I can do the impossible. Miracles take a wee while longer!
The saving grace for all this was an early morning giggle on took quite a bit to make me laugh this morning but they managed it.....thanks to all!  I really needed it.  I now carry on......once into the breach dear friends!

A day later and all is well.......I am still extremely tired but having got a huge load of work done yesterday and looked at the diary for next week I know I can cope!
The wedding went well and so I am sure will the next this time next week the huge work load will have been done!  
It is worth noting that by God's good grace a new curate will be arriving shortly....thank you God and everyone else !


jante said...

Prayers for you as you try to move from the impossible to miracles :)

Revjeanrolt said...

Thank you so much

UKViewer said...

So sad that people are so demanding of your time. Sometimes it's better not to impose on people, but I've found that I need to just take a deep breath and carry on.

But the ansafone is the best invention out - it allows choice in when you receive the messages asking you to do things.

You need breathing space in such a busy schedule - and people need to appreciate that, although, I doubt that they will.

Prayers for peace and calm and time for yourself.