Saturday 28 July 2012

Delicious NHS.

I am so glad I stayed up last night to watch the games opening!. I nearly didn't, but David wanted to watch so I joined him in front of the TV fully armed with the  iPad . I assumed I was going to be bored!
I would have defied anyone to remain aloof from last nights celebration of Britishness.
It was quite simply marvellous. The whole thing, images, music, light, the jokes... all blended together to make it memorable and a typically British daftness in places made it  just wonderful.
I have never been a sports person.
On my first day in teacher training college I was informed that I was on the hockey team. What? Why?
It was because I came from a school which had the joy of the captain  of the England hockey team as it's sports mistress. I told them I didn't play but I had to actually play one match to convince them that her training had not rubbed off on me.
At various times of my life I have ridden my bike everywhere but this was not was getting from A to B cheaply.
As a teenage girl I was of course in the local tennis club but it was more social than sporty!
I used to watch tennis and sometimes do watch the final stages of Wimbledon  but that is also more to keep David company than anything else.
I used to enjoy cricket as a girl but that was mostly having a day sitting in the sunshine.
I don't do why would I watch the opening ceremony   after seeing some of the scenes from other countries games on previous years.
I am so glad that I did.
The irony of our two greatest achievements being children's books and the NHS was just delicious and I do hope that a message was successfully sent out to everyone here and abroad that we love the National Health service with all its faults and failures....and its destruction would not be forgiven by the vast majority of us...
The sights, sounds, the jokes, the march of the competitors will all stay with me for ever I think.
It did the trick.  As a nation we are now proud to be British again....I even hope we get some medals this time!

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