Tuesday 1 January 2013

Ecumenical prayers.

It's one of those times when people ring up with New Year greetings and to check that we are still alive! Davids old friends always enquire after us all so I was startled this morning when a very old university chum of his rang to tell us that a few weeks ago he had been told that David had died!

This news shocked him especially as when he had tried to contact us he failed thanks to BT cutting us off.

Very worried he had rung someone else in the village who had reassured him that my dearest David was still much in evidence but my son had died .

He put the pieces together then when he heard that they had been praying for me locally , his informant had deducted that it must be my husband who had died. After a couple of calls he was able to tell her that David had not in fact gone aloft.

We have laughed about this this morning and have done some homework of our own. The lady who set the ball rolling has a contact here we have met in the local pub ....this contact is a regular at the Catholic church not far away.

I am left with the thought that the Roman Catholic church was also praying for me at the same time as the Anglicans.

This is just wonderful and i am very touched and I thank God for it!


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