Thursday 21 February 2013

After the duck!

We loved Napier. We loved the duck and all her perambulations. The moment of dropping into the sea was very exciting and we had an excellent guide who was a Brit with a sense of humour! His descriptions of life in NZ made us consider that it was a place we could also live in. In fact it was not unlike St Mawes .

Gradually over the weeks I have felt my misery lifting....sometimes momentarily to be replaced by a sort of nervous hysteria.....but the overlying deep sadness is receding and I am actually enjoying our trip now a lot. I am sure this is a relief to David as well as me....and we have been fortunate in making friends and acquaintances on board.

As always it's a lucky dip who you find sitting on your table but there is usually some common ground to be found if you look hard enough! In the past we have been lucky enough to meet lovely people to stay in touch with and are still communicating with some of them. In fact one or two of them are reading this blog!

It's a strange electronic world we live in!

We have one more day in NZ tomorrow and we are both looking forward to it!

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