Wednesday 6 February 2013

Empty planet.

We are now in that weird state of rootlessness which happens when time and space are involved....we are on the other side of the globe now and I am unsure what day it is leave alone the time! Experience tells me it will all settle down in due course but if you are wondering why I am not reacting to anything immediately it's because I might be reading a comment several hours after it was posted.

Using the Internet is expensive on board ship! Until this trip I was able to use Davds free hours but this year he's brought his nexus away with I've lost those. If I am not very careful I will run up a huge bill.

The strategy is that I go on line for about ten minutes at a time... Pick up the emails etc and leave time for interaction. I blog off line of course. What takes an instant back home in sending a post can take several minutes here......and playing a game like scrabble or backgammon is impossible in real time....

Staying in touch with people is important to me...part of me is grounded in Cornwall seeing the new drive being built whilst the other part is watching the waves as they rise and fall....

We've seen no wild life at all yet but we will as we get further south. In the meanwhile just to watch the empty sea rushing by is far from land there are no birds either...the empty planet is ours to enjoy, between sleeps as we slowly adjust to a whole new life on board.

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Lucky you - only 10 minutes at a time :)

Perhaps the best way to access the internet. I've started taking my Blackberry Tablet out with me. And it links to my mobile via bluetooth - so internet is restricted to the minutes I have available. Good discipline.