Tuesday 2 April 2013

Atlantic Rollers!

Going into breakfast a little later than usual we were astonished to find only a handful of people eating! The room was virtually empty!

The reason was obvious....we are in the grip of an Atlantic storm! This is our fourth crossing and there has been one each time! This morning is very dark, it is so windy that the doors won't open onto the outside! The boat is moving in sudden lurches. She is much smaller than the Queen Mary who takes these things in her stride. We are rolling along quite nicely....and as we have been on board for weeks now we have got our sea legs intact!

The people who got on board in New York havnt! And it shows, poor things!

Cunard have put on some interesting activities today.

I am going to two lectures this morning, one on out of body experiences. They have called it "The Angel Effect" David's not coming! The second one is the story of the Tall Ships race as told by one who was there! I shall probably stay in for that!

This afternoon is Les Miserables, the new film! We all want to see that!

It might be dark and stormy outside but here in our warm little cocoon we are still being nannied along!

Tonight there is a cocktail party.......David and I are now Diamond members! I think it's very funny, and an excellent marketing ploy but the fringe benefits are worth having so we are joining in!

Nothing like some exotic cocktails in the grip of the tempest!


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