Wednesday 28 August 2013

Prayers please

My husband David is ill. He had a bad night and so this morning I had a long list of things to do. Getting out of bed the electricity went off which meant the phones weren't working and the mobile is very chancy here!

This has coloured our day so far. I had to get help to get the power back on!

We are blessed with very good doctors here and one is coming later! In the meanwhile he suggested that I packed a bag !

I am probably the only woman in this day and age whose husband has his own dressing room! Finding everything needed was fraught with difficulty. I don't know what pills he takes when or indeed where he keeps his underwear. It is all a closely garded secret! It was like going into the holy of holies!

I am charging his kindle and his tablet and also mine....from experience there is going to be a lot of hanging around!

I have resurrected my first iPhone and charged it too! He needs some communication at his side!

We are in a whole new area here and I would appreciate prayers fom those who do!


UKViewer said...

[*] for David and for you as well for patience, perseverance and compassion from NHS Staff

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you both!

Pam Smith said...

Sorry to hear this Jean, will pray X

jante said...

Praying for you both

Ray Barnes said...

Prayers with you both Jean.
Love and BlessingsX

Revjeanrolt said...

Thank you all. He is still at home...after rallying wonderfully this morning .
Hoping for the same tomorrow!

jante said...

Will keep praying