Thursday 1 August 2013

Wide eyed for beauty.

After the busyness of last week, this week has, so far been a haven of peace and quiet. My tutor told me when I was training, "it's either feast or famine in this job duckie. .You have to make the most of the quiet times!"
So this week I have been doing just that. There has been time to read, to contemplate , to just drowse....
Amazon kindly sent me details of other books to download to the kindle on my iPad and I've now got two wonderful books  by John O'Donohue sitting next to the Ted Loder book I got at the weekend.
I take it as a hint from God that that's what I'm meant to be reading and am thankful for the advice!
The Loder prayers are printed using a variety of fonts and use patterns on the page to reinforce the message. I am pretty sure I can't do that in here so the words will have to speak for themselves.
Breathe restlessness into me.

Thank you for all I forget are gifts, not rights
Forgive me for all the grievances I remember too well.
Save me from the self pity, the self seeking, the fat heartedness
Which is true poverty.
Guide me if I'm willing (drive me if I'm not)
Into the hard ways of sacrifice which are just and loving.
Make me wide eyed for beauty. Amen

1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

Says it all, doesn't it Jean.
I particularly like "Guide me if I am willing, drive me if I am not". Definitely one for me.
Thanks for this.