Wednesday 13 November 2013

A globe for remembrance.

Eight years ago today I married David.

One week after being licensed to this parish the incumbent went onto long term sick leave and left me in charge. I had been priested for just two months.

The man I worked with was David who was the church warden. We fell in love and got married a few weeks later as at our age there was no point in waiting. My tutor came and married us and we had just ten people in church one beautiful November morning. Four church wardens and their wives and a retired priest who lived in the parish. He gave me away!

It was perfect. After the ceremony we went to a local hotel for lunch. In glorious sun shine we drank pink champagne on the terrace looking out to sea! It was perfect.

There was a PCC meeting that night. When we got there we were cheered, more champagne was drunk, a cake cut and then David chaired the meeting before going home.

We knew then that at our age it was not going to be a long marriage. .. I shocked people by saying that it was like taking on a dog, they can only ever last for a few years......but we love them just as much!

Much too soon we find ourselves this morning trying not to think the impossible...that we may be on the last stretch, time has finally caught up with us.

Of the ten people at the wedding four have already gone aloft. The others are still around, still friends, still lively.

I am now very much aware that David's new phone, on a contract for 24 months will almost certainly outlive him! I tried to say something in the shop but couldn' would have been too cruel.

David's son and his wife arrive this morning and we are all going out to lunch...

It will be a happy day.....but tinged with tears...Not too many though. We found each other, married and have had eight truly wonderful years for which I thank God every day of my life. There is still much to be grateful for...and we are. I bought him a silver globe as his present.....he can trace all our wonderful meanderings on it!

Today I will learn how to set up his new phone, even if it's not an iPhone. It's just one more challenge amongst many! With the help of God I can!



UKViewer said...

[*] but a wonderful insightful post. Thank God indeed for a wonderful relationship which has been so positive and productive.

Ray Barnes said...

Wot 'e said miss. If anyone can make the most of your remaining time you can, and will.

Revjeanrolt said...

Thank you both! I was over optimistic about setting up his new phone......useless!