Monday 23 December 2013

Bird Psalm

On Christmas Eve, unable to lead worship, I keep the day safe for us both as we witness the coming of the Christ child, softly, gently into the world. We say our own prayers and give thanks for the kindness and generosity of all the good people around us and the friends we meet on line.


Bird Psalm. By UA Fanthorpe.

The swallow said,

He comes like me,

Longed for, unxpectedly.


The superfial eye

Will pass him by

Said the Wren


The best singer ever heard

No one will take much notice

Said the blackbird


The Owl said

He is who, who is he

Who enters the heart as soft

As my soundless wings, as me.



jante said...

Prayers and blessings for a peaceful Christmas for both of you

Revjeanrolt said...

Thank you ...and for you too...blessings.

Ray Barnes said...

Joy and peace to you both Jean, and better things in 2014. X