Saturday 12 July 2014

A week of work.

I've done my first week back at work now and I am astonished by how tired I am! Obviously I'm a year older but since last August I've done very little in the church and it has been good to get back to what I know! But I had forgotten how exhausting it can be!

I have done communions, funeral visits, preliminary christening chats, answered many queries on the phone whilst being taken out by family....and this morning I write a sermon, having done the first draft during the week. .

To be able to do all this at my age makes me a very lucky woman. I recognised that I was called as a teenager and it took fifty years to fulfill that call.

The bishops who took the decision that it was alright to ordain a woman in her sixties even though I was well past the normal cut off date are people I owe a great deal to...having retired from teaching and moved to Cornwall on my own.

Now in my seventies it is wonderful to know that I am still able to fulfill my call and to be actually useful!

The prayer by Winifred Holtby still holds good.

"Lord give me work till my life is done and life till my work is over". It's paraphrased but the sentiment remains the same.



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