Saturday 19 July 2014

Moving slowly....

I am up and moving albeit slowly....the sun is shining, it is a truly glorious day out there and I am setting off shortly to the first communion in the tiny medieval church about half an hours drive away.

Having rested most of yesterday the pain is less though still present. As I bump along the road it may be possible to hear another sound above the running of the will be the gentle tittanabulation of pills ,,, I may rattle as I go!

A small consolation is that there's not much traffic moving just yet....

After the said BCP service there will be time to come home and collapse in a heap before the next one at eleven o clock....I may just have stopped rattling by that time!


Revjeanrolt said...

Having driven back from the first service I now have time to take another set of tablets.....rattle' rattle , collect up all the cards and candles for the next service secure in the knowledge that anything I forget can be handed over next week...all local families bringing their babies to be baptised....I just hope to stay awake long enough to sing the last hymn!
So far so good!

Ray Barnes said...

I do hope you will soon feel better Jean, The problem is that tablets that really work on pain tend to cause drowsiness too.
Nodding off while baptising an infant is not a good look.
Though I suppose if you rattle loudly enough you will at least stop them crying:)

Revjeanrolt said...

Both babies took great exception to me throwing water at them...but on the whole I stayed awake...came home and slept for a couple of hours....mission accomplished!

Mary M said...

Funny! Not your pain but the babies. My son was so fussy at six weeks of age, he went to the baptismal font with the pacifier in his mouth. He promptly spit it into the font. Fortunately the priest took it in very good part. We still have that pacifier 26 years later as we consider that it had received a special blessing! I will send up a prayer tonight for your aching bones. God bless.

UKViewer said...

Jean you're my hero. I know the inconvenience and pain connected with back problems, I have a permanent disability. Luckily for the past 6 years, regular treatment from an Osteopath, has kept the symptoms and pain at bay, but I know that if I do anything silly, it might well trigger it again.

I pray that your recovery will be swift and that you're restored to full health and vigour very soon.