Thursday 2 October 2014

Busy again.

I am up late because after yesterday I needed a lot of sleep!

It was good to have what used to be a normal working day again. I realised a little belatedly that on mornings when I had several interviews David always appeared with a tray at some point....cups of tea or coffee accompanied by the biscuit barrel....

I had no time for these niceties...but I have planned for several services now, built bridges, cleared paths and generally done quite a lot of net working.....

I was taken out to lunch at one point and we were able to sit outside watching the boats coming and going on what may well have been the last day of this glorious summer!

My last visitor put up a picture for me, changed a light bulb and helped with some clearing in the garden....I didn't ask him he just saw what needed doing and got on with it....

I am a very fortunate woman despite all the knocks .

My diary is filling up now. I will stay working for as long as there are things I can do...

The small prayer from Winfred Holtby comes to mind.

"God give me work till my life is done and life till my work is over." It's paraphrased but you get the message I'm sure...

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