Tuesday 25 November 2014

Technology and other problems!

I get tips on how to do things from extraordinary places....I have been using the camera on my iPhone a lot in the last few years and have quietly wished I could zoom in on some things. If I point the phone from my sitting room window I get wonderful shots of Falmouth across the water but until yesterday they were panoramic. It looked a lot further away than it actually is.

So watching Neighbours yesterday....yes I know it's naff but I am driven to a lot of unlikely places right now! So on Neighbours I saw someone pinching the face of his iPhone . I wondered what that was all about so I tried it....and it worked! It allows me to zoom in on things so that you get much better close ups!

So Neighbours proved to be educational!

Then I forgot all about it till this morning...and this time I tried it indoors....it still works..

This led me into taking pics of my dining room...ahem. Not wonderful but taken with the mini iPad.

Isn't technology wonderful?

It is when it's working but for some reason Blogsie is not letting me publish the pic until several hours later it relented!

My learning curve is now pointing downwards....it was ever thus!


1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

So, more of a leaning curve than a learning curve then?
I love your picture and while I can enlarge it on my lap-top, it is much better on the Ipad, every little detail can be 'blown up'.
Technology is indeed wonderful it's just that not all of us can measure up to its potential :)