Saturday 24 January 2015

Time hopping.

It's another glorious day outside today....very quiet with no wind and the sun shines everything into a golden glory!
It's impossible not to draw comparisons with last year when massive gales tore our villages apart and it was impossible to stand upright in my garden!
The app on my iPad called Timehop is amazing. It takes me back up to five years. Old blogs written in foreign parts record some wonderful journeys around the world.
Last years blogs show the journey that David and I travelled together to the end.
It's impossible not to weep at the sheer idiocy of the plans I was making for David's homecoming!
And yet there they are next to blogs about travelling the Pacific, visiting Brazil, crossing the South Atlantic to Capetown!
I am glad I've got Timehop! Even though some mornings start off with a snuffle of pain, the memories it brings back are precious as are the photographs it finds for me!
I just have to have a hanky at the ready before opening it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

The thing about making plans for David's homecoming was hope. And it''s hope that sustains us through most of our life. And that hope sustained you, despite what you now, in retrospect, see as glaringly obvious.

Sometimes we need to be blind to the truth, or the pain involved can become unbearable. So, I see that this was God's grace, giving you that peace, which allowed you to go on - David needed you and you stepped up to the mark, and didn't wallow in it. You gave David the love and care that he needed and deserved and I think that was a real boost of grace for you both together.

Prayers for you as you relive difficult times, and you've surely had your share of them in the last few years. Time for yourself and to enjoy your friends and parish for as long as you can.

Revjeanrolt said...

Bless you for that Earnie....I need to get my hanky again now...what you write is very touching.

Ray Barnes said...

What Ernie wrote so eloquently is absolutely right and even if the revived memories of those times are bordered with sadness, they are still precious.
When all is done and dusted and all that is left is memories they are like rare jewels - to be brought out, polished and looked at with love.
Bless you as your journey continues. X