Wednesday 14 January 2015


Since arriving home on Saturday I admit I wondered why on earth I went away for almost a month.
It's not the first time I've come back exhausted and unwell.
I expect the benefits will eventually become apparent!
Last night sitting catching up on various soaps recorded in my absence I got a phone call. It was from one of our organists asking me for the hymns for Sunday.
"It's only Tuesday isn't it? " my mind was boggling.
It did the trick though. Suddenly I was back to work, casting my mind over the readings, collects etc....
Another phone call about a wedding in July also concentrated the mind...
I am glad to be home....I am starting work again this morning....the washing is in the machine. I can get up and down the stairs without using the chair lift.
Work is a wonderful thing even for the ancient and feeble!
Winifred Holtby
"Lord give me work till my life is done and life till my work is over."
It's not quite the right words but you get the idea!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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