Wednesday 27 May 2015

"Please do our survey! "

Sorry....I am back to grousing....a favourite occupation these days...

The present mania for "feed back" feels as though it's getting out of hand. If I was to sit down to review every purchase made, every conversation with service providers, every book I read and every DVD I watch it would keep me busy for hours!

"Please review your packaging !" is the latest one from Amazon!

I live out in the country. I order most things these days to be delivered. Sometimes I grumble about that too but it has improved a lot over the last months. My lovely post man opens my door quietly and leaves any packages in the hall for me!

It's when a signature is required that I have to be around.....

Even that problem is better than it was but the request for feedback grows daily.....

I suppose as one who enjoys feed back myself both in church and on line I shouldn't really be grumbling about it but it is getting out of hand! The difference is that I don't demand happens spontaneously.

The presumption must surely be that if you receive a parcel or a service and don't complain then it must be alright. I am on the phone soon enough if its not...

A rough count this morning gets me up to five short surveys views will benefits others etc...

For three years when I lived in North Wales I worked for NOP doing opinion polls on almost everything. I am aware that opinion is important but something inside squirms at the thought of all the various surveys waiting to be feels as though I am doing their job for them!

In any case there are not enough hours in the from now on failure to give feed back should be taken as approval...nothing to grumble about!

I have plenty to say about the failures....

Grumble over!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I too feel pestered. If you ignore them, they eventually go away.