Sunday 24 May 2015

Jesus in Cornwall.

The Sunday before Spring bank holiday is always busy. Yesterday in church was very busy.

The conversation after the service was very interesting. I had used a Celtic encircling prayer at one stage and this had opened up hearts and minds in a very exciting way.

The conversation afterwards centred on the legend of Jesus coming to Cornwall. Many of our visitors yesterday had come to explore the my story "Joey in Cornwall" was also under discussion.

One man was here to make a film during the week. He was very interesting and had lots of ideas I had never heard before not least the way he described the creek that the church stands on. Twice a day it fills with water and it is very beautiful.

The man, a minister from the Church of Scotland described it as a womb. A chamber that nurtures and brings forth life. I do see what this esoteric description involves.

I was asked several times for the words that I used during the service and this morning have several emails to send!

It's all very exciting just now but of course these periodic explosions of interest do occur. They get everyone very excited and then it all dies down again.

What was amazing yesterday was the number of people who approached me to express their absolute belief that Jesus really did walk these shores! .

Coming home tired but happy I remembered the first time I brought my children here. They were both filled with the awe and the mystery of this place. My son was around ten years old and took the Celtic blessing home with him. He still had the much read bit of paper in his possession when he died.

There is magic here. None of us who live here ever tire of the visitors and the search for truth that goes on year by year.

If all those years ago when my children were small someone had told me that I would one day be a priest here I would have roared with laughter. But it has happened. Thank you God.

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I still remember your ebook about Joey? Truth is stranger than fiction :)