Saturday 1 August 2015


After having travelled all day I am now home and all is well.....

We set off with grim foreboding as the troubles at Dover reached us. The car picked us up early and we were a different group than the one I travelled down with. The special car or people carrier took five of us very comfortably!

Dover was congested...we took a straightforward route out of it and were astonished to see miles of parked lorries along the opposite side of the road....we had no trouble heading for London but in the opposite lanes operation Stack was still going strong. The people of Kent are suffering...appointments not kept etc have meant making a normal journey impossible for them.

My journey by comparison was easy. We travelled together as far as Somerset and then a taxi picked me up and I travelled home in style alone!

The garden looks good....fruit ripening wonderfully!

The house feels good and was also looking good though some unpacking has spoiled all that!

I have the email addresses of all my new friends....and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip...

Thank you God!


1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

I#m glad you're back, safe and sound and hopefully having had real benefit from your very different trip.
Have been following your adventures from the comfort of home and was quite happy to hear everything 2nd hand.
Not a trip for those of a nervous disposition I think.
The beauty of your own county must seem very different from the past couple of weeks.