Wednesday 7 October 2015

Protestant guilt?

I woke up very late this morning....this is because the night before had been disturbed....
As I don't have a deadline to reach, there's no daily timetable to get me up and moving, no time clock to swipe so it's strange how getting up an hour later than usual induces instant guilt.
Although I am still working after having retired from teaching it's not "work" in the same way.
Getting to school on time, especially when I had to get children to their school first was a daily hassle that I don't miss at all.....
Getting David up, dressed and ready to face the day was often fraught with difficulty but I wish I was still doing it...
I am learning slowly the joys and miseries of a solitary life. Amongst the joys is the ability to watch absolute rubbish on the I switch on a program I know he would hate I often say outloud, "I've got very low tastes David!"
Among the miseries is not having someone at home to share a moan with....yesterday for instance I went out to a meeting in church at half past one....I parked my car some distance away and when I arrived on time there was no one else there! Either I had it wrong or no one had told me it was cancelled.
Coming home to a house empty of dogs, cats, children and husbands meant that I had no one to moan to!
On the whole I don't do much complaining and I am getting used to being on my has compensations as well as why do I still feel bad when I oversleep for an hour?
No one else would know....unless I blog it...but that is the purpose of blogging. It's not quite Mrs Dales diary but it's close.


Ray Barnes said...

I agree about needing someone to offload onto, and in the absence of a human the blog will do.
One of the better things about blogging the odd grievance is the huge support you get from fellow bloggers.
Better still, sometimes just seeing it in print makes you realise the huge black cloud is just a little grey one really.
That doesn't stop me 'telling' John's photograph all about it.
Ha, Mrs Dale. Who she?

UKViewer said...

I suspect that being alone won't be something that I will enjoy, so praying that it never happens.